Each month , HNHN develops and posts new blogs on a variety of topics . Many focus on mental health and quality of life content . A popular feature , # healthynurse Spotlights , uses photos and compelling quotes to tell the wellness journey stories of real-life nurse and nursing students . Challenges frequently center on improving mental health and relieving stress with meditation , gratitude practices , physical activity , outdoor pursuits , mindfulness , journaling , and more .
• The Well-Being Initiative was launched by the American Nurses Foundation (
https :// www . nursingworld . org / practice-policy / work-environment / health-safety /
disaster-preparedness / coronavirus / what-you-need-to-know / the-well-being-initiative /) to offer supportive resources to all nurses and nursing students regardless of membership status . All resources are free and completely anonymous . Resources include Moodfit , a customizable app that provides mood journals , breathing exercises , cognitive behavioral therapy ( CBT ) thought records , and more ; Happy , a toll-free noncrisis support warmline ; and gratitude resources that include a toolkit and implementation guide as well as a 9-part podcast mini-series that describes how nurses have implemented gratitude podcasts in their everyday work-life . The seventh episode , “ Gratitude and the Nursing Student ”, describes how nurse educators and nursing students can implement gratitude practices through school . There are also infographics that provide tips on better sleep and improving mental health . More tools and resources will be added in 2023 .
The webpages contain an introduction to the current state and research on nurse mental health and suicide as well as how to get help , including a compendium of resources . These resources include those on mental health promotion , resilience building , and suicide prevention . There is a section on grief , bereavement , and healing following a co-worker ’ s suicide , as well as how to honor the deceased ’ s memory . Finally , the last section is for suicide attempt survivors , their employers , and coworkers .
• The Ohio State University ( OSU ) Resources . The growing rates of clinician depression , anxiety , burnout , and suicide across all health professions calls for resources that can help a colleague / student in distress . Ohio State created a resource for clinicians and students in healthcare professions who may encounter a colleague , peer , or other healthcare staff member who is in mental and emotional distress and may be having suicidal ideations or is planning suicide . On this site , you will find intervention resources , including videos depicting strategies for responding to clinicians who are in distress . Ten video scenarios offer strategies to consider when encountering a healthcare professional or student in emotional / mental distress with a key outcome of getting them professional help .
Conclusion In summary , mental health concerns are real and a part of the human experience . Clinicians in healthcare are at a unique risk given their worksite , workflow stressors , and witness to human suffering and loss . Students of healthcare professions are at risk as well given that they face many of the same stressors plus the workload and stress of being a college student . The authors of this article advocate for recognition of mental health care as a priority need for all humans noting the unique challenges healthcare professionals face . We urge nursing students to review the aforementioned resources and get help to support and promote their mental health and coping abilities . n
DISCLAIMER : The content provided in this article is general in nature and does not constitute legal or medical advice . This article is for reference only . Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider for any questions you may have regarding thoughts of suicide . If you believe someone is at imminent risk of harming themselves and is refusing help or you have reason to believe someone has harmed themselves , call 911 . Laws vary by jurisdiction , locality , state , or country ; please follow the laws of your specific jurisdiction and consult with an attorney if you have any questions regarding the laws of your jurisdiction .
28 NSNA IMPRINT • FEBRUARY / MARCH 2023 • www . nsna . org