Privilege : Benefit or advantage granted to social groups due to unequal social structures
• Example : A poor White man could be privileged in the sense that he doesn ’ t experience prejudicial treatment due to his race but lack privilege when it comes to affording college tuition .
Queer : Historically , a hateful slur towards the LGBTQIA + community that has been reclaimed by community members as an umbrella term for those who don ’ t identify as heterosexual or cisgender
• Note : This word can still be viewed offensively when used by non LGBTQIA + individuals .
Systemic inequality : Oppression of marginalized people perpetuated through discriminatory practices occurring above the individual level in political , economic , and social systems
• Example : Financial institutions / banks wit holding home loans from Black Americans wishing to move to majority White neighborhoods .
Tokenism : The practice of an institution or organization making a symbolic effort to appear inclusive , but not making sustaining changes to truly increase diversity
• Example : A company hiring one woman in an office of mostly men to meet a required quota .
Unconscious bias : Negative associations that all people can hold or express unknowingly about a social group ; interchangeable with implicit bias
References Dei definitions . Diversity , Equity , and Inclusion - The University of Iowa . ( n . d .). Retrieved April 28 , 2023 , from https :// diversity . uiowa . edu / resources / dei-definitions
Dei glossary . DEI Glossary | Working at Cornell . ( n . d .). Retrieved April 28 , 2023 , from https :// hr . cornell . edu / culture / inclusion-belonging / learning-and-development / dei-glossary
Dib Glossary : Foundational concepts & affirming language . Harvard University Office for Equity , Diversity , Inclusion , and Belonging . ( n . d .). Retrieved April 28 , 2023 , from https :// edib . harvard . edu / dib-glossary
Diversity , equity , and Inclusion Glossary . Office for Equity , Diversity , and Inclusion | University of Pittsburgh . ( 2022 , May 4 ). Retrieved April 28 , 2023 , from https :// www . diversity . pitt . edu / education / diversity-equity-and-inclusion-glossary
Merriam-Webster . ( n . d .). Dictionary by Merriam-Webster : America ’ s most-trusted online dictionary . Merriam-Webster . Retrieved April 28 , 2023 , from https :// www . merriam-webster . com /
What is cultural humility ? the basics . Equity and Inclusion . ( n . d .). Retrieved April 28 , 2023 , from https :// inclusion . uoregon . edu / what-cultural-humility-basics
Xenophobia : Fear or hatred associated with the influx of foreigners or immigrants to communities in which one resides n
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