Imprint 2022 September/October | Page 7


Crystal Nettles Director and Chair , Membership Committee directorn @ nsnainc . org
Pathways To Inclusion Happy Fall ! I would like to officially welcome everyone to the 2022-2023 academic year ! Over the summer , the Membership Committee has met via Zoom to discuss goals for the year and committee members , Amanda Gutierrez and Brooke Budniak , and I chose “ Pathways To Inclusion ” as the theme for this new and exciting year . We felt this reflected what we would like to achieve during our time as a committee : ensuring all members feel included , clarifying various opportunities , benefits , and experiences that are available to every NSNA member . Ultimately , we want to focus on what it means to be a member and how to make sure you are reaping as much as possible from your time with NSNA .
So far , we have presented at the NSNA Leadership U Summer Summit and set goals for this year . In the future , we hope to offer many more interactive opportunities and workshops where members can ask questions , share thoughts and ideas , learn new ways to gain new members and maintain current ones , and see new perspectives on popular nursing topics and discussions . Our first workshop will be presented virtually on October 4 , 2022 . Watch your email for details . Whether you are at the school , state , or national level , I want to ensure two-way , open communication is occurring and accessible for everyone .
My committee members and I are students just like you ! So please do not hesitate to reach out , regardless of whether the concern is big or small . I like to think of NSNA and its members as a community — one that I am so happy to be a part of because it never feels like you are alone in your struggles or challenges . Our community would not be what it is without members like you ! You ’ re crucial to the foundation of what NSNA is and what we represent .
Membership Recruitment Ideas NSNA recognizes that recruiting members is not an easy task , especially with the past year ’ s virtual atmosphere and economic circumstances of many students . Not to mention that things are still not completely back to the normal we know . So , what can you do to grab students ’ attention ? Show potential members the NSNA membership website page that answers the question , “ Why join NSNA as a student ?” The top 10 reasons are a great introduction to why students value their membership and some of the opportunities or experiences that will provide the most benefit and enjoyment . Highlight NSNA benefits you think your potential members would be interested in . For example , Imprint magazine , NSNA member-specific scholarship opportunities , partnership programs , discounts on products and services , and the NSNA Leadership University Honor Society — to name a few .
Explain your personal history with NSNA . Hearing a personal story can help encourage other students who are interested and is an easy and effective recruitment tool ! Being personal and sharing a relatable memory or benefit can also stimulate a sense of community or belonging . Was it a great experience at the MidYear Conference or Annual Convention that got you hooked ? How about an informative focus session you enjoyed , an article in Imprint , or a connection you made ? Sharing the reasons that you got involved can help get prospective members excited to become a part of the NSNA .