Be open and say yes to new opportunities Being a part of NSNA , will allow you to connect with different professionals within the nursing profession . This is just one of the many benefits of attending our conventions . You can get connected with pediatric and flight nurses , nurse managers , nurse practitioners , and much more . The workshops that are provided at conferences and conventions make it highly accessible to network and exchange ideas . Meeting individuals who are experienced , passionate , and excited to share with students is always revitalizing . Make sure to attend , and maybe you will find the nursing specialty that you feel called to , or maybe you will get the advice you need to get you through the semester . Always take on any opportunity that comes your way , whether it is provided by a professor , school , work , or with NSNA . As nursing students , we are very busy and feel like we just don ’ t have the time , but you don ’ t want to look back on your time in school and think “ what if …”. Step outside of your comfort zone and make time to experience new things , it is well worth it in the end .
When the journey gets tough , remember why you started You have worked hard to be where you are today and are successfully progressing through nursing school . You are incredible in every way . You have the knowledge and skills to improve care . As a future nurse you have genuine compassion that is readily shared with patients , families , coworkers , and communities . You possess all these top tier traits that no other profession can match . Obstacles and challenges shape our decision making and personalities . Without them would we be the people we are today ? Would we learn and grow if everything was an easy straight path ? I personally don ’ t think so . Anyone can say they want to be a nurse , get into nursing school , and get a job . It takes a special person to continue to do this work and do it with compassion . No one said it would be easy but it is definitely worth it . If you ever find yourself questioning it , remember your why . Reflect on the moment when you made that decision to go to nursing school and never forget it . When you feel like quitting or leaving the profession , dig out that memory and use it as motivation . Keep an open mind and go after things that you are passionate about especially when times get rough no matter what area you go into . The bottom line is nursing can be anything you want it to be . You just must take the initiative and make it happen ! No role or title is more important than the next . If you find yourself feeling burnt out , move on and find passion in another area . The opportunities are endless , and you are free to change your mind . In today ’ s culture it is even encouraged . Explore as many roles as you want or find joy in . In all honesty that is the true beauty of nursing .
There are so many ways to touch the lives of others ! In the years you will spend helping and caring for others , remember to practice self-care . Whatever this means for you , whether it ’ s physical , spiritual , or emotional , take some time each day to self-reflect and do something for yourself . I think by our very nature we get caught up in helping and healing others that we turn a blind eye to our own needs . You cannot properly care for others if you yourself are not well . Be the best version of you , it will show , and your patients will thank you for it .
Become a Project lnTouch Recruiter Today ! Project InTouch ( PIT ) is a program that NSNA offers to reward NSNA members for recruiting new members . PIT recruiters play a vital role in increasing membership , and they receive special discount coupons and information to recruit new members . PIT recruiters can also win various prizes including the grand prize ( convention travel expenses up to $ 1,000 ) to the NSNA Annual Convention . Sign up now and become a 2022-2023 PIT recruiter today ! We would love to see a record number of recruiters this year ! For more information , visit www . nsna . org / project-intouch . html .
NEW incentive for Project InTouch Recruiters
• Become a Project InTouch Recruiter and receive the PIT recruiter patch .
• Recruit 25 new members and receive an NSNA member patch and NSNA student leader cord , in addition to the sponsored prizes .
Official NSNA Constituency Status 2023 Schools become NSNA constituents when they submit the Official Application for NSNA Constituency Status and membership data verifies a minimum of 10 NSNA members at the school on a date 8 weeks prior to the first meeting of the annual House of Delegates . The
Official Application for Constituency Status must be completed and submitted online .
Start A Chapter at your school today ! Request
starta-chapter information , this resource is a step-bystep guide for schools and provides resources to help achieve constituency status ! n