Imprint 2022 November/December | Page 27

starting their clinical journey is to make sure you ask questions because there is no such thing as a stupid question . Do not be afraid to ask your mentor questions , they want to help you and see you succeed . You are here to learn , and no one is going to judge you , so make the most of your time and gain more knowledge while doing so .
When I started my first clinical , I was placed in a recovery wing for patients who just came back from the ICU . It was a very interesting and an overall positive experience that I had on my first day . I interacted with different patients and helped them with daily tasks . I also had the opportunity to practice vital signs on the patients I was assigned to as well and to document them in the computer system I learned how to use . Of course , it was overwhelming because there were so many new things that I was learning all at once , but everyone goes through this feeling , and it gets much easier the more you practice and apply your knowledge . Remember that mastering something takes time , and you will progress more and more as you move forward through your clinical experiences . Emma Kushner , Student Nurse , Duquesne University , Pittsburgh , PA
Unlike so many of my peers , I am not someone who wants to be a pediatric or mother / baby nurse , I thrive in the chaos of the Emergency Department . With that being said , just because you have an idea of what specialty you would like to go in , do not downplay the knowledge you can gain by going to other units . In my two years , I have learned more on six pediatric clinical rotations than I ever have on my twenty-five Medical-Surgical rotations . I have been able to suction tons of tracheostomy ’ s , get experience with NG tubes , ostomy ’ s , G / J Tubes , and learned to pay attention to body language and social queues to know what my patient needs . Do not let what you ‘ think ’ you know hinder you from flourishing and gaining new knowledge . Cynthia King , Student Nurse , Vance-Granville Community College , Henderson , NC
For clinicals , I like to make a list . I make sure to jot down everything I ’ ll need such as clipboard , flashcards , badge reel , highlighters , pens , and copy down all log in information for the unit I am on . It ’ s also important to make sure my uniform is ironed and crisp . We have to wear white shoes , so I clean them every night before clinicals . I ’ d advise anyone to make sure they prepare breakfast , lunch , snacks , a water bottle . It gets very busy some days , so make sure to stay nourished and hydrated . Something else that ’ s a new norm is making sure to have a mask or other protective gear , nurse cap for hair , or a face shield . With COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses going around , we want to be safe ! Janet Et , Student Nurse , University of South Carolina - Aiken , Aiken , SC