Imprint 2022 November/December | Page 13

3M™ Littmann ® Stethoscope and Marilyn Bagwell Leadership Development Grants
Developing Future Leaders Today ! Don ’ t miss the opportunity for your school to receive $ 2,500 in funding ! Is your official NSNA chapter filled with leadership potential ? Does your chapter have a project or initiative that supports NSNA resolutions where leadership principles can be applied ? If so , then your chapter can apply for a FNSNA Leadership Development Grant for up to $ 2,500 to support these initiatives .
Grant Awards Grant award of up to $ 2,500 for each grant program will be awarded to two official school chapters . The schools that receive the grants are recognized at the NSNA Annual Convention during the Opening Ceremony . NSNA ’ s 71st Annual Convention takes place in Nashville , TN , on April 12 , 2023 . Note : Recipients of the 3M™ Littman ® Stethoscope Leadership Development Grant will also receive a limited supply of stethoscopes in addition to the funding . A faculty advisor from the nursing program must apply on behalf of the official NSNA Chapter . Individual students are not eligible to apply .
An Effortless Way to Support the Foundation of the NSNA Virtually during the holidays !
Amazon has rolled out an initiative called AmazonSmile , which donates 0.5 % of all eligible purchases to a U . S . charity of the buyer ’ s choosing .
Support the FNSNA Scholarship Program by Shopping at AmazonSmile ! Amazon has rolled out an initiative called AmazonSmile , which donates 0.5 % percent of all eligible purchases to a U . S . charity of the buyer ’ s choosing .