• Minimum Education required
• Certification credential
• Certifications required
• Possible employment
• Reference / Resources
• Experience needed
• Professional Organization
Wound , Ostomy and Continence Nurse Often referred to as wound , ostomy , and continence ( WOC ) nurse . Specialize in wound care , including chronic bed sores , ulcers , abscesses , etc . as well as from feeding tube sites and surgical openings .
• Wound , Ostomy , or Continence ( WOC ) certification exam
• Completions of accredited WOC nursing program , or 1,500 clinical hours and 50 CEs per specialty in Experiential Pathway program
• Varies – see www . wocncb . org
• Hospitals ( acute cared settings ), continuing care ( e . g ., long term and assisted living center ), ambulatory care centers , out-patient surgery centers , home healthcare , military service
• Resources : www . wocn . org / page / become _ a _ woc _ nurse
Nursing is a career that offers a rich field of opportunities . Use this section as a resource / reference . There are many more specialties than what is included here , but we encourage you to check out the organizations listed with each specialty for in-depth descriptions and more information on certifications and advanced education opportunities .
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