FNSNA Convention Activity Highlights The FNSNA is excited to meet all of you at NSNA ’ s 70 th Anniversary Convention , April 6-10 , 2022 in Salt Lake City , Utah , to engage NSNA membership in all fundraising activities that support future nurses just like you . Two very important activities take place during the convention that raise funds for the FNSNA undergraduate scholarship program . Keep checking the NSNA Convention meeting page for updates on these and other convention activities .
FNSNA Great Salt Lake Silent Auction Have you ever wondered what it ’ s like to participate in a silent auction ? If so , then look no further than the NSNA 70
th Anniversary Convention . The FNSNA Great Salt Lake Silent Auction takes place from Wednesday , April 6 to Friday , April 8 , 2022 , where you can bid on items of interest to you . This year the auction block is going to be on fire with NCLEX Review books , nursing memorabilia , online access to nursing review tools and much more ! Your school chapter can add to the excitement by donating an item to be placed on the auction block . Further details on how you / your chapter can participate in the Great Salt Lake Silent Auction will be released soon . If you need further information or would like suggestions on what you / your school can donate to the auction , please contact Lauren Sperle , FNSNA Staff Specialist at nsna
@ nsna . org today !
Annual Convention Challenge – Class of 2022 Legacy Cohort Get ready for one of the most exciting fundraisers in NSNA history ! On Saturday , April 9 , 2022 , during a break in the House of Delegates , the FNSNA will hold the Annual Convention Challenge . This challenge is open to all convention attendees who want to do their part to support the future of the nursing profession . Students and faculty challenge each other to raise money for the FNSNA undergraduate scholarship program . No donation is too small – even loose change will be accepted in the famous HAT ! By participating in this convention fundraiser , you can leave a legacy for future nursing students just like you . Support the future of the nursing profession ! •
14 NSNA IMPRINT • JANUARY 2022 • www . nsna . org