Imprint 2022 April/May | Page 7


Sarah McCloskey Vice President and Chair , Membership Committee directore @ nsnainc . org
Connecting the Dots : Making the Most of NSNA

Thank you and congratulations to all of the 2021-2022 Project InTouch ( PIT ) recruiters . We had 53 PIT recruiters and enrolled 510 new members ! Congratulations to the PIT Grand Prize winner Monique Csenteri , University of Central Florida , Orlando , FL .

Students connecting with their fellow peers is crucial to the growth of NSNA membership and it ’ s a great way to network . As we close the academic year , now is the time to prepare for the upcoming year ’ s recruitment campaign . The fall may seem far away , but summer is a good time to start preparing and to help lighten your workload at the beginning of the new school year ! Ideally , our campaigns should be in place by August .
Here are some ideas to get your recruitment campaign going :
Invite prospective members to your first meeting and have an exciting program , in addition to a business meeting . Be inclusive as you introduce them to the group and the organization and encourage any and all questions . When you ’ re first starting out in
NSNA it can be a lot of information and easy to get lost among it all , so be prepared to answer questions or direct potential members to our resources .
• Organize a presentation with your local SNA , virtually or in-person . Display membership brochures , pamphlets , discount coupons and links to Imprint , and promote the online magazine as a membership benefit . Also keep these on hand throughout the year for easy access if new interest arises .
• Use the Catch the Wave recruitment video ( free resource under Membership tab on www . nsna . org ) during your meeting . You can also show Nursing : The Career of a Lifetime ( available for purchase in the NSNA Online Store ); this video showcases inspiring stories of accomplished nurses as they share their career journeys .
• Use the NSNA membership brochure , a PowerPoint presentation , poster , or even a small brochure to show members in action . Walk attendees through the benefits of membership , including discounts , Imprint magazine , and networking . Emphasize how