Imprint 2022 April/May | Page 21

so we encourage students to share the resources widely . Feel free to reach out to the committee with suggestions . We look forward to hearing from you and are excited to share in this journey of shaping our futures on this planet with you .
Our professional identity as nurses can begin in nursing school through joining organizations such as ANHE that represent our values and contribute to the field of nursing . We are advocates for more than just the patients we see at bedside . We are promoters of the health and wellness of each person by addressing the need for integrating environmental conscious curriculum into every nursing program . We would like to invite you to consider starting your professional identity as a nurse while you are still a student by becoming an advocate for your future , healthier environments , and healthier people ! n
References ANHE Student Nurses Committee . ( 2021 ). Call to Action . https : envirn . org / wp-content / uploads / 2022 / 02 / ANHE-2021-Student-Nurse- Committee-Call-to-Action . pdf
Romanello , M ., McGushin , A ., Di Napoli , C ., Drummond , P ., Hughes , N ., Jamart , L ., et al . ( 2021 ) The 2021 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change : code red for a healthy future . The Lancet . 398:10311 , 1619-1662 . https :// doi . org / 10.1016 / S0140-6736 ( 21 ) 01787-6
Schiermeier , Q . ( 2019 ). Climate change made Europe ’ s mega-heatwave five times more likely . Nature , 571 ( 7764 ), 155 – 155 . https :// doi . org / 10.1038 / d41586-019-02071-z
Gabrielle Diaz , BSN , RN , is currently working as a nurse on a telemetry unit in San Diego . She graduated from Regis University . She hope to continue working in community health and increasing accessibility to healthcare services . Diaz is also passionate about sustainability and environmental practices in relation to public health .
Kateri I . Dir-Muñoz , RN , BSN , RN , recently graduated from Regis University in Denver , CO , and is currently working on an Adolescent Behavioral Health Inpatient Unit . She is happy to have been a part of the ANHE Student Nurses Committee . She is passionate about social and environmental justice .
Lois Ezebuiro , BSN , RN , is a registered nurse and midwife with the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria . She is an avid researcher and a recent graduate of the University of Ibadan .
Elizabeth Hansel is currently a nursing student at the University of Minnesota Twin-Cities . She has a nursing internship in the ICU this summer and she hopes to work in critical care after she graduates . Elizabeth is passionate about public policy and dedicates much of her free time to politics . She is also passionate about the environment after spending her summers in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness ( BWCA ).
Lori Herrick is a nursing student at Mercy College of Ohio , in Toledo , OH . She previously earned a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and has worked for state and local government agencies for more than a decade before deciding to follow a calling into the nursing profession . Her ultimate career goal is to work in pediatrics or mental health with an advanced practice license .
Maria San Emeterio , BSN , RN , is currently a nurse in neonatal intensive care . She earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing at University of Wisconsin-Madison . During her studies , she joined ANHE ’ s 2021 Student Committee to learn and work on projects related to planetary health and the nurse ’ s role in this field . Maria is passionate about keeping the planet and its population healthy and was thrilled to have had the opportunity to do so with fellow nursing students , nurses , and nurse educators / leaders .