Applying the Pillars of Professional Identity By Karla Rodriguez
In creating an identity that is congruent with my ideals and beliefs , I have a strong commitment to educating the next generation . As a registered nurse and a faculty member , I have been fortunate to be surrounded with peers and mentors who share valuable information and advice towards my professional trajectory . More importantly , I believe that students help me grow into my discipline as well . There are many components to developing a professional identity , one of which is advancing the science in your area of expertise . My nursing background is in medical-surgical nursing in both the adult and pediatric populations . I am interested in population health and how modifiable risk factors , such as lifestyle , play a vital role in our health outcomes .
Since COVID-19 , the negative effects of stress , burnout , and compassion fatigue have become very evident among clinical bedside nurses and nurse faculty . In the academic setting , these negative effects are detrimental not only to the health and well-being of nurses , but also to their ability to function efficiently in their roles as educators and role models for students .
Tapping Into NSNA Resources I initially joined the National Student Nurses Association ( NSNA ) in virtual meetings during COVID in July 2020 , when Zoom meetings became commonplace . Over the past several months , our world has changed dramatically as we know it . I remember being in a meeting with about 10 faculty members . Next thing I knew , I had volunteered to be part of a virtual faculty
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