Imprint 2022 April/May | Page 29

School of Nursing , 2018 ) Key elements include caring and compassion , advocacy , moral and ethical courage , emotional intelligence , communication , respect and civility , commitment to excellence , collaboration , vision , innovation , and presence . ISPIN believes all nurses are leaders , both formal and informal in all settings from academia to practice . As nursing students , leadership as members of the NSNA begins this life-long journey of engagement with peers to become future leaders in the nursing profession .
Professional Comportment : “ A nurse ’ s professional behavior demonstrated through words , actions , and presence .” ( University of Kansas School of Nursing , 2018 ) In this domain , self-awareness is crucial . It is “ critical in determining a nurse ’ s effectiveness in relating , communicating , and collaborating with colleagues and members of the healthcare team .” ( Clickner & Shirey 2013 ). Without a strong foundation in this domain , nurses may develop a culture of incivility and aggression that can compromise those we serve .
Transition to Practice Impact As work continues on this initiative , it is increasingly clear that the concept of professional identity must be imbedded as a core nursing competency from the beginning . This is supported by the inclusion of two competencies specific to professional identity for entry-level and advanced nursing in the 2021 AACN Essentials : Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education ( AACN , 2021 ). The National Student Nurses ’ Association ( NSNA ) supports integrating professional identity into the curriculum and recently incorporated it into their Leadership University Honor Society . By encouraging students to become active in organizations early on such as NSNA , they will continue to build on the standards of professional identity , using these four domains as signposts for their practice .
Another key component is building better collaboration between academia and practice . The parallels between the two continues to prove they are interconnected , relational , and influence each other . This begins the moment a student starts in school , through graduation , residency program , and continues in the chosen work environment . Equipping faculty with the best tools to teach and embody professional identity is a crucial cornerstone of this work . Assisting students to continually self-assess in a conducive environment and helping them develop a personal philosophy as their foundation is vitally important . Incorporation into all Nurse Residency programs to align with the concepts taught in academia will better prepare students for a successful transition . But this work doesn ’ t just stop there , it continues with appropriately pairing the new nurse with a preceptor and mentor educated in the importance of modeling professional identity in all practice venues .
Finally , it is important to remember that professional identity is dependent on every one of us in the profession . Nursing professionals have a duty to always project a positive professional image . “ Image , specifically the image of nursing , is more closely associated with how the nurse is perceived by themselves ( the nurse ), by ‘ others ’ ( outside of nursing , society , or the public ) and ‘ other ’ healthcare professionals ”. ( Girvin , Jackson , & Hutchinson , 2016 ) This promotes our credibility through effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills . More importantly , it sets the tone for everyone to personally be welcoming and kind by promoting relationship building in a safe , nonthreatening environment . All of this revolves around a personcentered care model which is accountable to the patient , society , and our profession .
Conclusion : Nursing has consistently been seen as one of the most trusted professions . Likewise , nurses have been front and center during this pandemic , experiencing the highs and lows in unprecedented ways . As we emerge from this pandemic , our profession is forever changed , and it is up to us to write the next chapter .
Consider this your call to action ! Regardless of our current location in this ever-changing landscape , each of us must take action to both understand and model our professional identity . There are many ways to get involved such as joining a professional organization , specialty certification , leadership development , or continuing education--to name a few . As a result , we need to spread this message far and wide through continued research , publications , and presentations . There is strength in our numbers , and we need to move ourselves from renters to owners in our nursing profession . The choices we make today will impact future generations to come . How will you use the four domains to influence your profession ? What will be your contribution and lasting legacy ? n