Imprint 2021 November/December November/December 2021 | Page 28

Lim F , Johnson M , Eliason M . A national survey of faculty knowledge , experience , and readiness for teaching lesbian , gay , bisexual , and transgender health in baccalaureate nursing programs . Nursing Education Perspectives . 2015 ; 36:144 – 152 . doi : 10.5480 / 14-1355 .
McDowell , A ., & Bower , K . M . ( 2016 ). Transgender Health Care for Nurses : An Innovative Approach to Diversifying Nursing Curricula to Address Health Inequities . The Journal of nursing education , 55 ( 8 ), 476 – 479 . doi . org / 10.3928 / 01484834-20160715-11
Nolan , I . T ., Blasdel , G ., Dubin , S . N ., Goetz , L . G ., Greene , R . E ., & Morrison , S . D . ( 2020 ). Current State of Transgender Medical Education in the United States and Canada : Update to a Scoping Review . Journal of medical education and curricular development , 7 , 2382120520934813 . https :// doi . org / 10.1177 / 2382120520934813
Paradiso , C ., & Lally , R . M . ( 2018 ). Nurse Practitioner Knowledge , Attitudes , and Beliefs When Caring for Transgender People . Transgender health , 3 ( 1 ), 47 – 56 . https :// doi . org / 10.1089 / trgh . 2017.0048
Simmons-Duffin , S . ( 2020 , June 12 ). Transgender Health Protections Reversed By Trump Administration . Retrieved from https :// www . npr . org / sections / healthshots / 2020 / 06 / 12 / 868073068 / transgender-health-protections-reversed-by-trumpadministration
Virupaksha , H . G ., Muralidhar , D ., & Ramakrishna , J . ( 2016 ). Suicide and Suicidal Behavior among Transgender Persons . Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine , 38 ( 6 ), 505-509 . doi : 10.4103 / 0253-7176.194908
Wade , L ., & Ferree , M . M . ( 2015 ). Gender : Ideas , interactions , institutions . New York , NY : W . W . Norton & Company .
Brendan D . Shull , BSN , RN , is currently a Clinical Nurse I in Medical Respiratory ICU at Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center . He graduated from Old Dominion University , Norfolk , VA .
Jamela M . Martin , PhD , RN , is a professor at Old Dominion University , Norfolk , VA . She routinely seek other opportunities to mentor students and colleagues in research and in healthcare . This has included serving as the Undergraduate Student Research coordinator for a group of interprofessional students participating on a multi-site research study , mentoring students in interprofessional community clinics , and advising Nursing Honors and ODU Honors College students through scholarly activities such as conference posters and presentations .
Beth Tremblay , PhD , RN , teaches Community Health at Old Dominion University , Norfolk , VA . Her research interests include vulnerable populations , social determinants of health , tobacco , and environmental justice .

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Whitney , C ., Greene , M . Z ., & Dudek , A . ( 2020 ). Getting it right after getting it wrong : Using the AQUERY tool in conversation with transgender nursing students . Nurse Education Today , 94 . doi : 10.1016 / j . nedt . 2020.104560