Imprint 2021 February/March | Page 20

cases , it was knowledge and understanding of a shared religion . For others , speaking the same language , even if graduates were not fluent , immediately opened the door to a special bond .
Many times , graduates had simply stated “ Oh , you ’ re Hispanic ? I am too . Where are you from ?” Sometimes a patient was from an entirely different country than the graduate ’ s family ’ s country of origin , but a connection was nevertheless made . Graduates also found that Hispanic / Latino patients and families almost always shared their stories of what led up to their current health condition . These connections helped graduates advocate for Hispanic / Latino patients and families across all clinical settings .
Conclusion If you are a Hispanic / Latino student , always remember that you will be one of the few healthcare professionals who can combine knowledge , understanding , and lived experience of the Hispanic / Latino culture , language , health beliefs , and values with the scientific knowledge , beliefs , and attitudes of a professional nurse . You hold the key to culturally responsive nursing care , and you can promote change . We need you and others like you to create that change in our profession , so that health equity can become a reality for all populations within the U . S .
For the new graduates in this study , graduation represented an enormous accomplishment , widely celebrated with family and friends . With hard work and perseverance , you too will be crossing the finish line and celebrating with your family and friends . Your entrée into nursing awaits , along with the tremendous differences you will make to the patients , families , and communities in your care . Take action and create change . ¡ Buena suerte ! — that is , good luck ! n
References American Association of Colleges of Nursing . ( 2015 ). Enhancing Diversity in the Workforce . http :// www . aacnnursing . org / News-Information / Fact-Sheets / Enhancing-Diversity
National Academies of Sciences , Engineering , and Medicine . ( 2016 ). Assessing progress on the institute of medicine report : The future of nursing . Washington , DC : The National Academies Press . https :// doi . org / 10.17226 / 21838 .
U . S . Census Bureau . ( 2018 ). Hispanic population to reach 111 million by 2060 . https :// www . census . gov / library / visualizations / 2018 / comm / hispanic-projected-pop . html
Lisa K . Woodley , PhD , RN , CNE , CHPN , is a clinical associate professor at the School of Nursing at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill , Chapel Hill , NC , and has taught nursing for 28 years . She has been committed to promoting inclusivity within nursing education throughout her career and has received numerous teaching awards for her ability to motivate and inspire students from all backgrounds . Her PhD in nursing focused on the lived experiences of Hispanic / Latino nursing students and she serves as a student mentor to many underrepresented minority students .

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National Council of State Boards of Nursing . ( 2019 ). The 2017 national workforce survey . J Nurs Regulation , 9 ( 3 ), S1-S88 . https :// www . journalofnursingregulation . com / article / S2155-8256 ( 18 ) 30131-5 / pdf 18 NSNA IMPRINT n FEBRUARY / MARCH 2021 n www . nsna . org