It is more the rule than the exception that physicians today are board certified in emergency medicine and its subspecialities . Likewise , there is a lot more specific training for ED nurses , more robust onboarding and , increasingly , a preference or requirement for nurses to be board certified . Nurses who specialize in adult / mixed ED care , pediatric ED care , trauma care , and critical care transport on the ground and in the air are having a major impact on patient care and outcomes .
According to the findings of the 2019 Emergency / Trauma / Transport Nursing Workforce Study , nurses new to emergency settings need more hands-on training and better simulations , more opportunities to practice critical thinking and decision-making under pressure through various patient scenarios , and more clinical knowledge and skills ( Schumaker , et al ., 2019 ; Schumaker , 2020 ). Another recent study underlines the need for nurse training in emergency and disaster preparedness and response across all nursing roles and specialties ( Hoang , 2020 ; McNeill , et al ., 2020 ).
The good news is that the availability and breadth of emergency nursing career preparation and professional development resources has never been greater . Nurses can choose from a wide array of professional credentials ( American Board of Nursing Specialties , 2021 ) that validate their specialty knowledge to employers and patients and maximize nurses ’ personal and professional success and satisfaction . At the same time , self-care and well-being , thanks in no small part to the COVID pandemic , are finally being embraced and prioritized .
As you think about your career path — whether you have already set your sights on emergency nursing or want to learn more — consider the tips below from nurses and nurse educators about how to prepare for and succeed in every emergency specialty area .
Adult / Mixed Emergency Nursing
— LaToya R . Lockett , MHA / MBA , BSN , RN , CEN , TCRN , Director of Education & Clinical Support , Houston Methodist Clear Lake Hospital , Houston , Texas
Being an ED nurse is one of the most fulfilling specialties in nursing . You can make an immediate impact on your patients ’ lives . In emergency nursing you are exposed to a variety of patients and disease processes . You take care of patients from every age group — in utero , infancy , pediatrics , adults — and at times , you participate in end-of-life care . You develop skills of being a patient advocate and a critical thinker , anticipating the needs of your patients and being able to think on your feet .
Nurses and nursing students who excel are those who take responsibility for their professional career . So , invest in subscriptions and join a national organization like the Emergency Nursing Association ( ENA ) to stay current on the everchanging field of emergency nursing . Do not wait for your employer to provide education but do take advantage of any educational opportunity provided and go beyond what is mandatory .
Lastly , top performers always have an attitude of questioning . They ask why when they do not understand or are exposed to unfamiliar situations . Your goal is to understand not only how to do something , but why . As an ED nurse with 20 years ’ experience , I still ask why and research things .
Once you are comfortable with your practice , the goal is to continuously learn and grow . One of the best ways to learn and grow professionally is to become certified in your practice . Being board certified is truly not just about taking a test and passing . It is about growing and becoming more knowledgeable , and certification validates your knowledge . ED nurses who study for the Certified Emergency Nurse ( CEN ) exam obtain in-depth knowledge that pertains to their everyday practice , giving them the tools to be great ED nurses . To remain certified , you must have continuing education , which ensures you stay on top of current knowledge and best practices .
Pediatric Emergency Nursing
— Ken Ida , BSN , RN , Emergency Room , Ann & Robert H . Lurie Children ’ s Hospital of Chicago , Illinois
36 NSNA IMPRINT n APRIL / MAY 2021 n www . nsna . org