Your Enhanced Success ( YES ): A-to-Z Tips By Marianne R . Jeffreys
What is nursing student success ? Success has been measured in various ways : a ) passing a course ; b ) passing the licensing exam for entry into professional practice ; c ) graduation ; and d ) post-graduation employment as a registered nurse . Success can also mean achieving more than minimum benchmarks , that is , achieving personal satisfaction , reaching beyond benchmarks to achieve one ’ s potential , and then striving for more . Such an approach requires ongoing commitment to professional self-development and ongoing contributions to the nursing profession . This approach is consistent with the characteristics of a profession . Optimizing outcomes benefits individuals , the nursing profession , healthcare , patients , organizations , and society ( Jeffreys , 2015 ).
How can nursing students be successful and optimize outcomes ? Students ’ lives are multidimensional ; therefore , nursing student success is a multidimensional process and requires a proactive , holistic approach . Students are empowered and accountable for shaping their own success and career path . Yet , many may feel overwhelmed and caught up in a multitasking whirlwind leaving them vulnerable for missed details and deadlines , overestimated abilities and supports , and overlooked opportunities ( Jeffreys , 2012a , 2015 ; 2020 ).
For “ Your Enhanced Success ” ( YES ), consider , apply , and expand upon the A-to-Z tips below . Take the next steps to optimize your outcomes now !
Assess where you are , where you want to go , and why . Where will you be professionally and personally in 5 years ? In 10 years ? Reflect . Then , write down your professional goals , where you are now in the process , what you need to do to get there , and why you selected your desired goals . Be open that goals and options can change .
Be proactive . Initiate strategies at key transitional periods and before problems occur . Avoid a reactive “ reach for the life preserver when drowning ” approach . Incorporate student success resources at the outset and to ease transitions between courses , clinical experiences , and graduation .
Contemplate academic and nonacademic factors that may support or restrict your career path goals . Right now , how do academic and nonacademic factors affect your academic achievement and progress ? Rate each item below as “ greatly supports ,” “ moderately supports ,” “ does not restrict or support ,” “ moderately restricts ,” “ severely restricts ,” or “ does not apply ” ( Jeffreys , 2012b ).
• Academic factors : study skills , study hours , attendance , class schedule , general academic services ( e . g ., library ), grades .
• Nonacademic factors : financial status , family financial support , family emotional support , family responsibilities , childcare arrangements , family crisis , employment hours , employment responsibilities , encouragement by outside friends , living arrangements , transportation ( Jeffreys , 2012a ).
Distinguish between factors that can and cannot be changed , differentiate between tasks that can and cannot be delegated , determine priorities , and delegate accordingly . Make a list of your daily , weekly , monthly , and semester tasks . Identify which tasks are “ must do ,” “ maybe ,” “ sometimes ,” or “ someday .” Mark down assignment due dates , exams , skills testing , clinicals , simulation , and so forth . Do you need to work full-time ? Can you decrease work hours to permit more study hours ? What household tasks can be delegated ?
Embrace that “ enrichment is for everyone ” and that “ enrichment is essential for expediting excellence from and for everyone .” Enrichment emphasizes “ reach for the stars ” and “ be the best you can be .” What is your “ peak performance potential ”? How will achieving “ peak performance potential ” benefit you in your quest towards your desired career goals and along your path , and benefit others ?
Form family-faculty-friend support networks . Write down who is in your network now . Who else can you add to your network ? Does your network know they are valuable to you ? Do they know their roles ? Be gracious and develop a mutually agreed upon plan concerning who does what , when , where , how , and why . Be gracious and appreciative when negotiating roles and responsibilities .
Get ready to actively participate and give up guesswork . Energy is wasted by focusing on fear of the unknown , rumors , and creating scenarios to guess “ what the teacher wants ” or “ what ’ s on the test .” Nursing is not a spectator sport or tourist attraction . Active participation assists in identifying strengths , unclear areas , gaps , areas for enhancement , or deficits that can be remedied before moving on to a more complex topic .
Honor academic and professional integrity and the code of ethics . Know your school ’ s policies , codes , and expectations concerning academic and professional integrity . What resources are available to assist students in adhering to policies and achieving academic success ? What would you do if you learned of a breach or planned breach of academic integrity ? Not reporting incidents can be a breach in the academic integrity code and result in puni-