Imprint 2021 April/May | Page 11


A World Of Opportunity

Thank you and congratulations to all of the 2020-2021 Project InTouch ( PIT ) recruiters . We had 36 PIT recruiters and enrolled 610 new members ! Congratulations to the PIT Grand Prize winner Kylie Webb , Barnes-Jewish College Goldfarb School of Nursing , St . Louis , MO .

Students connecting with peers are crucial to the growth of NSNA membership and it ’ s a great way to network . As we close the academic year , now is the time to prepare for the upcoming year ’ s recruitment campaign . The fall may seem far away , but summer is a good time to start preparing . Ideally , our campaigns should be in place by August .
Here are some ideas to get your recruitment campaign going :
• Invite prospective members to your first meeting and have an exciting program , in addition to a business meeting . Be inclusive as you introduce them to the group and the organization .
• Organize a presentation with your local SNA , virtually or in-person . Display membership brochures , pamphlets , discounted coupons and links to Imprint , and promote the online magazine as a membership benefit
• Use the Catch the Wave recruitment video and Nursing : The Career of a Lifetime during your meeting . The latter showcases inspiring stories of accomplished nurses as they share their career journeys . You can purchase the videos at www . nsna . org in the NSNA Store .
• Use the NSNA membership brochure , a PowerPoint presentation , poster , or even a small brochure to show members in action . Walk attendees through the benefits of membership , including discounts , Imprint magazine , and networking . Emphasize how fellow chapter members are also fellow nursing students who understand the pressures of nursing school and can provide support throughout the academic year and beyond .
Reminders :
• Become a Project InTouch recruiter and win valuable prizes by recruiting new members into the association . Current PIT recruiters must obtain a new number for 2021-2022 . Don ’ t miss out ! Sign up now and start accumulating prizes as you help NSNA grow . Visit www . nsna . org and click under the Membership tab .
• New membership brochures for the 2021-2022 academic year will be available in late July . The current membership applications can still be used in states that have not had a dues increase . States with due increases are notified of the new state dues .
• If you need assistance in planning and implementing your membership recruitment campaign , refer to the “ Membership Recruitment Guidelines for Planning ” booklet for more information . You can find the resource under the Publications tab .
It has been a pleasure and honor to have served as the 2020-2021 Membership Committee Chair . Thank you for sharing your experiences with me and for the hard work you ’ ve put into your chapters .
Congratulations to the Class of 2021 ! n
Kyle Loose Vice President and Chair , Membership Committee vicepresident @ nsnainc . org
• Get faculty involved . Your dean and advisor are your liaisons with many faculty members who are active in professional nursing organizations and serve as a catalyst and role model for NSNA involvement .