Imprint 2020 September/October 2020 September/October | Page 44


You will learn a lot about self-care throughout your nursing school journey . Although it might sound like a bit of a cliché , taking care of yourself should come first . One of my professors used to remind us often of the popular saying , “ You can ’ t pour from an empty cup .” Find time for yourself in the midst of the stress and chaos and your mind and body will be grateful for it .
Also , if you are struggling or feeling overwhelmed , reach out to your professors and instructors . They are there to help and support you and they are investing their time and energy into your success .
- Macey Frei , former NSNA member Oregon Health and Science University La Grande , OR
If possible , try to preview your lecture slides and textbook chapter before class starts . Preferably , it is best to do this 1-3 days in advance before lecture begins in class . If you take notes while reading the textbook , try your best to incorporate those notes in your lecture notes as well . Avoid two separate documents and aim to have all your information on one main document .
Within 24 hours of lecture , make sure to reread your notes in order to keep the notes fresh in your mind . This way , you can also fill in the blanks and ask your professor or friends questions . If you are struggling with memorizing or understanding a concept , write it down with blue ink ( it ’ s the best color for memorization !) and map it out . Mind maps are especially helpful !
During the week of the exam , focus on reinforcing important concepts , memorizing various values , and look up online resources . Simply searching up the concept on Google or YouTube will allow you to enter into a whole world of amazing study resources . You can reinforce your studying or discover study tips and mnemonics to use during your exam !
- Britney Nguyen , student California State University Fullerton , CA
When I sit still for too long , I get antsy . It ’ s important to get your blood pumping . To get that brain-boosting oxygen bump , I have an alert on my fitness watch that vibrates and says “ Move your body !” every 45 minutes . At this time I bust out some squats , jumping jacks , lunges , bicycle crunches , or anything to give me both a physical break from sitting and a mental break from studying . If you try this , you ’ ll come back refreshed and ready to tackle yet another 45 minute study session .
- Ashley Atkinson , student Great Bay Community College Dover , NH
For the visual learners : From day one of nursing school , add all of the mnemonics you use to help you study into an organized binder with tabs . It will help you study for NCLEX and review quick topics as you near the end of school or for exams .
- Stacie Kinsey , student Baylor University Louise Herrington School of Nursing Dallas , TX
42 NSNA IMPRINT n SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2020 n www . nsna . org