Imprint 2020 September/October 2020 September/October | Page 39

I wish I could rewind five seconds — this time I could ! I am very nervous about our future . I am halfway through my program and never started an IV . We got pulled out of clinicals . We are pretty sure the hospitals will allow us back this summer ( we have a summer semester ) but what if they don ’ t ? When I graduate , I plan to move to another country for my spouse ’ s job . My lack of experience worries me , though I ’ m also hoping they ’ ll be desperate enough to hire me . I have been volunteering to help with COVID-19 screening in the community 2-3 days a week , in addition to attending my classes on Zoom .
I earned my money through dog sitting ; however , all of my clients had to cancel their trips . This left me without an income . However , an essential manufacturer in town needed student nurse interns to help screen employees for fevers during the start of each shift . I eagerly applied hoping for experience and pay during a time of crisis . Needless to say , I was hired . They have been wonderful in providing PPE to all of us and to their entire staff . It is insane to see how hard it is for an essential company to try their best to comply with the recommendations from the CDC . The company does their best , but in a manufacturing plant , they just can ’ t follow all recommendations . While having this job , I have also met other nursing students who have been so kind to act as role models and a mentor to me . As for school , I am a first semester student living in Texas . I got lucky . I didn ’ t have to take an incomplete for missed clinical hours . Our entire class and lab were reformatted to an online platform ; it was rough . Our professors had a lot to learn , and so did the students ! Internet and lousy computers didn ’ t make it easy . I had a group presentation in my health assessment class , and when it was my turn to speak while my other classmate was running the PowerPoint , my computer froze . I had no idea if the class could hear me , but I knew we were on a time limit , so I just kept talking . It was the most frustrating day for me as an online nursing student . I really miss being face to face . I really miss my professors and my classmates . I hope that by next semester , we can learn together in the same room . Before the pandemic , I applied to work in the emergency room at one of the hospitals . I finally just heard back , had two phone interviews and can ’ t wait to hear back from them next week on if I landed a spot in my dream department . Wish me luck !
Despite social distancing , I feel more connected to others than ever . If we ever doubted humans ’ interconnectedness and interdependence , this situation has proven , beyond a shadow of a doubt , that we are all one big human family .
I informed my neighbors about the basic protective steps they should take to address COVID-19 . They are Spanish speakers , so I had to translate news for them . COVID-19 has challenged me to be successful at nursing school while running a household with two toddlers . It has tested my organization and study skills . Furthermore , COVID-19 has become one of the reasons why I want to become a RN and serve my community .
I just graduated from nursing school and passed my NCLEX on April 20th . I am currently looking for a job . This whole pandemic has brought my family closer together , but it has definitely disrupted my kids ’ school schedule . With my siblings residing in different states , we ’ ve managed to have weekly
Zoom meetings . Although it has been difficult to adjust to the quarantine , it has brought us back to enjoying the simpler things in life such as spending more time out in nature by biking and walking our dogs more .
My institution is completely online , like most colleges and universities . We did not go back to school after spring break and many of us had only completed one of our required clinicals for the semester . The other clinical was also cancelled but we were able to complete at least 50-75 %, which allowed us to meet our state board of nursing ’ s required hours . I feel a little slighted on some of our clinical experience , even though cancellation was unavoidable . My cohort graduates this summer and we will begin our final semester in just one week . At this point in time , we are still completely online and unsure if we will even be able to complete any of our required preceptorship hours . Even though we will be participating in virtual online clinicals , I still feel a little uneasy about entering the nursing field without more hands-on , one-on-one experience with an RN in a hospital setting . Students are still being charged for lab and clinical fees that we are unable to attend and utilize . Hopefully the university will be refund part or all of the fees .
My first semester of nursing school was finished online due to the COVID-19 pandemic . Being a returning student , going to nursing school online was hard and made things very difficult . I take care of my parents that are both immunocompromised and work at a doctor ’ s office so trying to make sure that I was finishing all my class work and keep my family and me safe was difficult to do . I was constantly worried I wouldn ’ t be able to do my best in school with the complete shift from