Imprint 2020 September/October 2020 September/October | Page 35

( Continued from page 7 ) NCSBN Extends Modified NCLEX Through Sept . 30 , 2020
The NCSBN Board of Directors voted to extend the modified NCLEX Examinations put in place on March 25 , 2020 , to ensure that candidates for nursing licensure were able to test in an environment that followed CDC guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic . The modified exams will remain in effect through Sept . 30 , 2020 .
The time limit of the exam has been shortened to four hours in order to allow the maximum number of candidates to test per day . The pretest items and the special experimental Next Generation NCLEX section have been removed .
In the six weeks since the modified exam has been utilized , no negative impact on the candidates ’ testing experience or results has occurred . The psychometric integrity of the NCLEX exams has not been compromised in any way and the difficulty levels and passing standards of the exams have not changed .
Following CDC guidelines for social distancing , NCLEX candidates are screened prior to being allowed to test . Likewise , testing center personnel also undergo screening before being allowed to work . The testing centers are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected between each test taker including all objects that candidates interact with or encounter . Candidates and testing center personnel also wear masks while in the center .
FAQs can be found on www . ncsbn . org / 14428 . htm . Candidates can schedule testing appointments at Pearsonvue . com / nclex . n