You might be a great candidate for president or vice president . Lastly but certainly not least , are you especially good at networking as well as encouraging others to engage in leadership opportunities ? The Nominating and Elections Committee might be a great fit for you .
If you would like to run for national office , please refer to the “ Digest of Information for Candidates ” on the NSNA website . There you will find information related to eligibility as well as important information about elections .
Which election area are you in ? Contact your NEC member with any questions !
Next , make plans to attend NSNA ’ s 38th MidYear Conference , which will be held virtually October 29-31 , 2020 . The NEC is excited to answer your questions through a virtual Running for National Office Workshop .
Request information about running for national office by emailing nsna @ nsna . org with “ NEC ” in the subject line . While running for NSNA office in the elections of 2021 , know that you have two options . You may pre-slate or run from the floor . In both options , you may not begin campaigning until you have been approved as a candidate . To be a pre-slated candidate , you must submit your application by the deadline which is Wednesday January 20 , 2021 at 5pm EST . As a pre-slated candidate , your name will be published in Imprint , on the NSNA website , and in broadcast emails to all NSNA members months before the Annual Convention in Houston , TX , in April 2021 . This is quite the advantage compared to those running from the floor , who may not begin campaigning until they are nominated during the House of Delegates Business Meeting at the Annual Convention .
Finally , attend the NSNA Annual Convention on April 7-11 , 2021 in Houston , TX . This is where you will be presented to the House of Delegates . The House of Delegates will vote , and the 2021-2022 NSNA Board of Directors and Nominating and Elections Committee will be announced !
If you have any questions about running for office , don ’ t hesitate to contact your NEC Election Area Representative . NEC West & Chair : Isabella Allgaier at NECwest @ nsnainc . org NEC North : Jessica Niebauer at NECnorth @ nsnainc . org NEC East : Katie Perera at NECeast @ nsnainc . org NEC South : Jennifer Bustos at NECsouth @ nsnainc . org
Again , the NEC is excited to connect with you virtually during the NSNA MidYear Conference . We are committed to serving you and are available to answer any questions , even if you just want more information . Remember that we are all learning and growing , and we hope to see you lead and grow within NSNA ! n
Isabella Allgaier , Chair necwest @ nsnainc . org WESTERN ELECTION AREA Alaska Arizona California Colorado Guam Hawaii Idaho Montana Nevada New Mexico Oregon Utah Washington Wyoming
Jennifer Bustos necsouth @ nsnainc . org SOUTHERN ELECTION AREA Alabama Arkansas Florida Georgia Louisiana Mississippi North Carolina Oklahoma Puerto Rico South Carolina Tennessee Texas
Jessica Niebauer necnorth @ nsnainc . org NORTHERN ELECTION AREA Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Michigan Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota Ohio South Dakota Wisconsin
Katie Perera neceast @ nsnainc . org EASTERN ELECTION AREA Connecticut District of Columbia Delaware Maine Maryland Massachusetts New Hampshire New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont Virginia U . S . Virgin Islands West Virginia