Implementing Comprehensive HIV/STI Programmes with Sex Workers Implementing Comprehensive HIV/STI Programmes with | Page 9

Acknowledgements This tool was developed by sex workers, programme managers, researchers and development partners who helped to research, draft and review it in collaboration with a coordinating group. The time and expertise of all the contributors listed below, and of the organizations that contributed case examples, is gratefully acknowledged. Yadira Almodovar-Diaz, Management Sciences for Health, USA Camille Anoma, Espace Confiance, Côte d’Ivoire John Anthony, National AIDS & STI Control Programme, Kenya George Ayala, The Global Forum on MSM & HIV, USA Annabel Baddaley, World Health Organization Headquarters Parinita Bhattacharjee, University of Manitoba/Government of Kenya Nisha Bin Ayub, PT Foundation/Global Network of Sex Work Projects, Malaysia James Blanchard, University of Manitoba, Canada Aleksandar Bodiroza, United Nations Population Fund, Arab States Regional Office Borche Bozhinov, STAR-STAR/Global Network of Sex Work Projects, Macedonia Nathalie Broutet, World Health Organization Headquarters Kholi Nomsa Buthelezi, Sisonke/Global Network of Sex Work Projects, South Africa Julia Cabassi, United Nations Population Fund, Asia & the Pacific Regional Office Anna-Louise Crago, Global Network of Sex Work Projects, Canada Joanne Csete, Open Society Foundations, USA Anjana Das, FHI 360, India Michele Decker, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA Bidia Deperthes, United Nations Population Fund Headquarters Gaston Djomand, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA Fatou Drame, Enda Santé, Senegal Virginie Ettiègne-Traoré, FHI 360/United States Agency for International Development, Ghana Gloria Gakii Kimani, Sex Workers Operation Project (SWOP), Kenya Haileyesus Getahun Gebre, World Health Organization Headquarters Sarah Gill, Moorat Interactive Society/Global Network of Sex Work Projects, Pakistan Kimberly Green, FHI 360, Ghana Mauro Guarinieri, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Switzerland Pato Hebert, The Global Forum on MSM & HIV, USA Richard Howard, International Labour Organization, Asia and the Pacific Regional Office Andrew Hunter, Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers/Global N etwork of Sex Work Projects, Thailand Pye Jakobsson, RiksOrganisationen för Sex- och ErotikArbetare (ROSE Alliance)/Global Network of Sex Work Projects, Sweden Surang Janyam, Service Workers in Group Foundation (SWING), Thailand Caitlin Kennedy, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA Deanna Kerrigan, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA Yves Lafort, International Centre for Reproductive Health, Belgium Anne Lancelot, Population Services International, Myanmar Carlos Laudari, Pathfinder International, Brazil Annie Madden, International Network of People who Use Drugs, Australia John Mathenge, Health Options for Young Men on AIDS and STIs (HOYMAS)/Global Network of Sex Work Projects, Kenya vii