Implementing Comprehensive HIV/STI Programmes with Sex Workers Implementing Comprehensive HIV/STI Programmes with | Page 30

1 Community Empowerment 1.2.2 Fostering sex worker-led outreach There is a difference between programmes that are done for sex workers and those led by sex workers (Table 1.1). This element in the community empowerment process requires service providers to reflect on how they can support a move from providing services to sex workers to sex worker organizations themselves ultimately becoming the employers of service providers. Sex worker-led initiatives operate under the principle that sex workers are best equipped to help each other learn not only to protect themselves from risks to their health and safety, but also to promote and protect their human rights. Sex workers should be the driving force in targeted programmes addressing HIV and sex work. It is not enough to “consult” with sex workers before creating a programme. Rather, programmes should be based on sex workers’ needs, perceptions and experiences. Table 1.1 Comparison of programme approaches from a community empowerment perspective Done for sex workers Programmes sometimes focus on how sex workers can protect others from disease, and how society can be protected from sex workers. Often assume that knowledge and power reside with the programme staff and managers. 8 Done with/Led by sex workers Programmes focus on sex workers’ collectively identified needs and develop appropriate solutions. Community discusses its needs before developing a programme, and sex workers are engaged in all stages of planning and implementation. Involve sex workers in programme implementation commonly as volunteers, not as equal partners. Involve sex workers as equal partners in programme implementation, more commonly as paid employees or as community outreach workers working with the community, not for an external organization. Monitoring focuses on goods and services delivered and targets to be achieved. Monitoring focuses on quality of services and programmes, community engagement, community cohesion and community acceptance, as well as adequacy of service coverage. Focus on building relationships within the health system with health-care providers. Less emphasis is placed on building relationships among sex worker groups. Focus on building relationships within sex worker communities as well as between sex workers and other organizations, service providers, human rights institutions and similar groups.