#Brands | MAXIM
In September, we finalized the Maxim Bank Motivation Program launched in March 2018 and successfully achieved the goal of
the program, which was to reduce the Maxim Compact stock. Clear terms of remuneration and transparent mechanics boosted
motivation and enthusiasm of our sales teams and became the basis for unparalleled results.
Andrey Savkov, Regional Sales
Manager, Region East: «Maxim
Bank is a great program. It really
motivated the teams. They set
an objective to sell as much as
possible Maxim QS. It was a real
competition «Sell more than your
regional neighbours!» As a result, over
30% of Maxim sales under this program are delivered by
our East region.»
According to the program, the team received 1,500
rubles for every sold Maxim Compact box, and when the
plan was fulfilled the bonus was 2,000 rubles per box.
The remuneration could be spent on bonuses for teams,
team building events and motivation of our partners who
participated in the program. Each team decided how to
use its award on its own.
Sergey Pertsev, Area Sales
M a n a g e r, N o v o s i b i r s k :
«Maxim Bank sold it on its
own and motivated to fulfill
and even exceed the plan. We
estimated our opportunities
and thought over our workflow for the whole program.
My objective was to choose a motivator, which all the
team would respond to. It turned out that over half of
the colleagues had never been abroad, so we planned
to spend the remuneration on a foreign trip. Our team
did a good job and we are going to Thailand at the end
of October.»
Evgeny Zinovyev, Area Sales
already won such motivation
programs of the company. This
is why we were glad to hear
about the Maxim Bank launch. Our
neighbours are very strong, they
also motivated us and didn’t allow us
to sit back or slow down. I’m happy that we managed to
work out a successful plan for cooperation with partners,
and our final results made the top list of the program. We
plan to use our remuneration on team building events: in
the winter – at a ski resort in Kemerovo Region and in the
spring – in the Altai Mountains.
The first months of the program showed that we can not
only achieve the set goals but exceed them.
The Империалист | | 10