Impact Report FY2017-2018 FY2017-2018-Impact-Report | Page 3

DONORS Gifts Donors New Donors 24,232 9,228 657 We received 24,232 gifts from 9,228 kindhearted and caring individuals, organizations, businesses, and foundations. Of those, 657 had never given to Central Asia Institute before. These people are making educational opportunities happen in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Tajikistan. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. 92 % of gifts received were from individuals and bequests “ Thank you for all the remarkable work you and the CAI staff do! It is an honor to support CAI’s mission to reduce the number of illiterate women and girls worldwide. It is a daunting task, yet your collective dedication and energies are making a discernable difference, one girl/woman at a time. We must never give up! ” Blessings to all in the CAI community. Christine Mack Prescott, AZ