Impact Report 2022 | Page 8

Your investment changed lives

The dreams of thousands of children , women , and men came true in 2021 thanks to the generous support of 6,976 donors . Donors contributed $ 2,549,966 to advance education and livelihood skills , help respond to the escalating humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan , and protect families from the ongoing threat posed by COVID-19 .
Where contributions came from :
83 %
Where your giving helped :
This map shows where program funds were spent .
How your giving helped :
This graph shows how program service funds were spent .
Expenses :
Out of every dollar spent , 73 cents went directly to programs .
7 % 7 % 2 % 1 %
Afghanistan 27 %
Tajikistan 22 %
Pakistan 51 %
Providing access to education
61 %
Improving the quality of education
26 %
Emergency aid
Women ' s empowerment & livelihood skills development
73 %
14 % 13 %
Total contributions : $ 2,549,966
7 % 6 %
It cost Central Asia Institute 14 cents to raise $ 1.00 .
Visit centralasiainstitute . org to read our full financial report .