Impact Report 2022 | страница 6

Countries in crisis :

How you stepped in to help

Throughout the spring and summer , a third wave of COVID spread across the globe . With limited ways to protect themselves , a lack of understanding about the virus , and virtually no access to the vaccine to prevent it , countless people in impoverished , remote communities in Central Asia succumbed to illness and death .
In Afghanistan , the already dire situation was exacerbated when the Taliban seized power in August .
Government services and international aid all but ceased , leaving Afghanistan ’ s economy on the verge of collapse . Only 5 % of households reported having enough food to eat , and the harsh winter weather only made the outlook grimmer . Most at risk were more than 400,000 women and children who had been displaced since the beginning of 2021 . Penniless , homeless , and with no way to support themselves , the battle for survival intensified .
Thankfully , you stepped in to help
Thanks to your generous support 141,431 people received emergency aid in 2021 . Here are just a few of the ways that you made a difference . Your generosity provided :
1,800 hygiene kits to destitute families displaced by conflict
40 handwashing stations , which served nearly 26,000 people living in displacement camps
6,216 boxes of facemasks to more than 28,000 people to help keep them safe from infection
1,385 free medical exams for impoverished families
Loudspeaker messages were also broadcast around displacement camps to help decrease COVID-19 infection rates , and encourage social distancing and proper hygiene . An estimated
82,430 people heard the loudspeaker messages .