Educate a girl . Change the world .
Vision :
We envision a world in which women and girls have the education and skills to unlock their full potential and contribute to a better , brighter future for themselves and their families , communities , and countries .
Mission :
To advance education and livelihood skills , especially for girls and women , in remote and mountainous regions of Afghanistan , Pakistan , and Tajikistan .
Board of Directors *
Mohammad Javed Khan Chair of the Board
Christina Rocca Vice Chair
Lorre Jay Treasurer
Eileen Shields-West Secretary
Adnan Ahmed Member
Mina Sherzoy Member
Peter Thatcher Member
* This represents the Board of Directors at the time this report was published .
Central Asia Institute PO Box 7209 Bozeman , MT 59771 U . S . A .
Phone : 406-585-7841 Email : info @ centralasiainstitute . org centralasiainstitute . org
Your tax-deductible donation helps to promote education and livelihood skills in Central Asia .
Central Asia Institute is a registered nonprofit organization . U . S . IRC ยง 501 ( c )( 3 ) | EIN : 51-0376237
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