Impact Report 2019 External Impact Report | Page 38

WASTE Our goal is to increase our recycling efforts and implement a national recycling program. We are also exploring solutions to reduce food waste and currently donate food to local food banks near each warehouse. Examples of how different departments are doing their part to reduce waste: • KeHE initiated electronic bill of lading program that not only makes us easier to do business with, it also saves thousands of sheets of paper per year • The Publix Account Management team will now be saving the equivalent of 130 trees annually by reducing one million sheets of paper used in invoicing. WAREHOUSE WASTE 64% - Overbuys/Demand Changes - Discontinued Items or Suppliers RETAILER WASTE 36% - AOMs (Forecast/Failure to Execute) - POD Changes (Failure to Notify Supply Chain) RECYCLING 106 We have recycled at least 106 tons of plastic 1213 We have recycled at least 1213 tons of paper/cardboard We recycle cardboard at all facilities and recycle plastic at 7 facilities 38 | KeHE Impact Report