In October, Dr. Haggai, H.I. Chairman Don Dizney and his wife, Irene,
and Joe and Tina Gibbs, took a 13-day vision trip to South America to
meet some alumni and friends of Haggai Institute.
PERU: In the 1980s, Dr. Jesús
Hurtado, an evangelical
theologian and clinical
psychologist, read a Spanishlanguage copy of Dr. Haggai’s
book Lead On! He is now
a national congressman.
He said to Dr. Haggai, “The
12 principles you teach in
your book are also in the
curriculum of Peru’s four
seminaries. All the seminary
students have learned the 12
principles in your book. They
have started 1,000 churches.
So, in addition to those who
have attended Haggai Institute
in Singapore or at the MidPacific Center, many more
have learned your principles.”
BRAZIL: Belo Horizonte is home to the
Lagoinha Baptist Church, where alumnus
Márcio Valadão is senior pastor. The
auditorium, which seats 6,000, is filled to
capacity for eight services each weekend.
CHILE: The Presidential Palace in Santiago contains
a room dedicated to the George W