At Haggai Institute we don’t:
Congregations like this one in Mexico City, Mexico, are
becoming more frequent thanks to the Haggai Institute training
Lucy is passing on to the people of her country.
energetic partner with her in the work
of H.I. in Mexico!
In addition to her continued
excitement about H.I. and reaching
her personal goal of increasing
those taught to 3,000, Lucy has
been involved in church planting.
She founded the Biblical Theological
Institute in Mexico 10 years ago with
her husband, Noél.
Lucy is a clear example of H.I.’s
vision to train Christian leaders who
can train others, and are committed
to do so.
Preach the Gospel
Fight injustice
Build schools
Run hospitals
Protect the environment
Improve government
Lead companies
Shelter refugees
But the leaders we train do ALL of
these things — and more.
Jesus commanded us to take
the Gospel to the whole world.
He never rescinded that command.
Through the globe-encircling
ministry of Haggai Institute, we obey
our Lord’s command.
When you sponsor a
Christian leader like
LUCY, you impact the
world for Christ.
Contact us today to learn more: