Impact Georgia Magazine - Regaining Momentum | Page 14



The Georgia Department of Correction ’ s ( GDC ) Educational staff has modified several teaching methods to best meet the students ’ academic needs during the global pandemic . One significant modification was creating a way for students to learn without a teacher in front of them . With the help of a curriculum repository and educational instructors across the state , GDC facilities have provided educational paper packets for offender ’ s use . The packets range from standard course subjects , GED or college classes , to study guides which are credible , valuable , and effective .
Staff across the state have gone out of their way to make the packet process work . Teachers have volunteered for pick up , drop off , and to check the student ’ s work . All of the packets are placed in a plastic portfolio , which can be wiped and disinfected . The plastic portfolios help as they are transported between teacher and offender to keep the process as safe as possible .
While educational packets cannot replace a teacher , they are a great way to keep offenders motivated and learning . The packets also allow offenders to continue their educational programs while teaching them how to support one another in their courses . Thanks to the dedicated instructors , offenders are continuing to thrive despite the circumstances of the pandemic .
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