Impact Georgia Magazine - Regaining Momentum Winter 2022 | Page 7


First Automotive Academy Graduation 12 Residents Earn Industry-Recognized Certifications

The Georgia Department of Corrections ( GDC ) hosted a ceremony recently , recognizing the first graduating class of its Fleet Services Program Automotive Academy . Twelve residents from Macon Transitional Center received certificates for successfully completing automotive industry programs in either I-Car Paint and Body ( I-Car ), or Automotive Service Excellence ( ASE ) through a partnership with Central Georgia Technical College .
“ The automotive academy was designed to provide offenders with the skills necessary to become productive upon release while increasing their employability ,” said Commissioner Timothy C . Ward . “ We are thankful for the partnerships and the staff that have worked together to provide these men an opportunity to be successful .”
The Automotive Academy offers specialized training , credentials , and educational support , and includes a sixmonth ASE program , which teaches diagnostics , service and vehicle maintenance .
The 12-month I-Car program teaches skills in autobody paint and collision repair . Each of these programs provides offenders with the opportunity to earn industry-recognized certification .
In addition to providing offenders with more opportunities for success , the Automotive Academy has become a professional , well-rounded , fully functional automotive paint and body shop , allowing cost avoidance associated with vehicle repairs totaling more than $ 1 million .