Impact Georgia Magazine - Regaining Momentum Winter 2022 | Page 17


Excellence in Counseling Services

Throughout the Georgia Department of Corrections , counseling staff are tasked with providing quality programming , equipping offenders with the tools necessary to reduce recidivism , and successfully preparing offenders to enter society as contributing members . The Office of Reentry Services ( ORS ) developed a Counseling Services Facility of the Quarter event to recognize the work counselors do each day assisting offenders .
For first quarter of 2021 , the following facilities counseling staff were recognized for their Excellence in Counseling Services :
State Prison – Long Unit
Transitional Center – Atlanta Transitional Center
Pictured L to R : Assistant Superintendent Clanton , Superintendent Williams , Counselor Charles , and Senior Counselor Crawford
Pictured L to R : Director Johnson , Counselor Uzamere , Compliance Specialist Ashley , Counselor Scott , Superintendent Brayboy , Instructor White , Counselor Lawyer-Wyatt , Employment Specialist Smith , and Counselor Davis
County Prison – Spalding Correctional Institue
Pictured L to R : Counselor Lamar , Deputy Warden Sellers , SSPC Austin , Counselor Evans , Warden Humphrey , and Chief Counselor Johnson