Impact Georgia Magazine - Regaining Momentum Summer 2022 | Page 44


The Saints vs . The All-Stars

Under partly cloudy skies and a cool summer breeze on June 24th , the Hays State Prison ( SP ) Inmate “ All-Star ” team squared off with “ The Saints ” prison ministry softball team . The All-Star ’ s took the win with a score of 19 to 8 . The All-Star team was cheered on by spectators from around the field . The game was enjoyed by both inmates , the ministry , and the staff .
After the first game , the Saints led a worship service for the men who wanted to participate . The administration at Hays SP cooked Hamburgers and Hotdogs for all staff , visitors , and players .
During the second game , The Saints made a valiant attempt to make a comeback ; however , the Hays SP All-Stars came out victorious with a final score of 19 to 14 .
It was a wonderful time of team sports , Fellowship , and Christian Mentoring . Special thanks to Hays SP Recreation Department , Coach Salmon , and Saints Prison Ministry coach Jimmy Cochran .
Saints Prison Ministry Softball team has been mentoring and playing softball inside prisons for 35 years . They use games to have opportunities to spread their Gospel message . www . saintsprisonministry . org