Impact Georgia Magazine - Regaining Momentum Summer 2022 | Page 40


Offenders Gain Marketable Skills

29,091 Career , Technical and Higher Education Certificates and Diplomas Earned
During Fiscal Year 2022 ( FY22 ) Career , Technical and Higher Education ( CTHE ) certificate completions have reached 29,091 , surpassing the original goal of 25,000 . In addition , CTHE program completions have increased by 378 % since Fiscal Year 2017 ( FY17 ), representing yet another accomplishment in the GDC ’ s commitment toward effective offender management and successful reentry .
Throughout the state , the GDC partners with the University System of Georgia and the Technical College System of Georgia to certify and deliver programming to offenders through 220 on-the-job training programs , 106 vocational programs , and 30 skills training programs . Six post-secondary opportunities are also offered through partnerships with Second Chance Pell Grants or non-profit funding . During FY22 , the GDC began collaborating with Savannah Technical College and North Georgia Technical College to assist offenders in gaining marketable skills in highdemand job fields such as Welding , Logistics , Manufacturing , and Cosmetology .
“ We appreciate our dedicated staff and partners who continually go above and beyond to ensure offenders reach their goals ,” said Commissioner Timothy C . Ward . “ Thanks to their support , many offenders have gained marketable skills they will be able to use as tools for success as they return to their communities .”