Impact Georgia Magazine - Regaining Momentum Summer 2021 | Page 16


Telecourt Services Provide Virtual Court Hearings

Over 5,000 video hearings in FY21

In an effort to reduce transportation costs and increase officer safety , the Georgia Department of Corrections ( GDC ) partnered with the Augusta Judicial Circuit in 2018 to pilot the use of video conferencing to conduct hearings involving state offenders . In the Fiscal Year 2021 ( FY21 ) ( July 1 , 2020 - June 30 , 2021 ), the GDC virtual court program finished its second full year of operation with 5,034 video hearings and 2,000 teleconferences conducted between 47 Judicial Court across the State of Georgia .
Between video court hearings and legal teleconferences , Telecourt Services saved the GDC from having to travel approximately 1,342,094 round trip miles in FY21 . These services also saved 50,872 staff hours , which helped with budget management for the agency . Overall , the agency has saved $ 2,057,632 from utilizing Telecourt conferencing .

Overall , the agency has saved $ 2,057,632

from utilizing Telecourt conferencing .

The GDC has installed teleconferencing video equipment in all state prisons . Telecourt hearings and teleconference benefit each area within the judicial system by reducing the risk of offender transports , saving on mileage cost , and allowing confidential legal calls .
For more information on the GDC ’ s Telecourt program , visit here : http :// www . dcor . state . ga . us / sites / default / files / Telecourt . pdf
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