Five Ways to Harness Your
Determination and Stay Focused
In every success story, the longest chapter is the one about determination.
While success demands many things from us, willpower and determination
always come up at the top of the list. Many people believe that we are born
with determination and those that succeed are simply the fortunate ones who
are born with an abundant supply. But if you ask any successful person they
will tell you they were not born with more determination; they always found a
way to harness and use what they have more effectively.
you have finished the more important tasks that
Before you go to sleep, make some basic deci- need to be completed. Stick to your schedule
sions about what you will do tomorrow, such as and at the end of the day close your eyes for a
what you will wear, what you will eat for lunch, few minutes and take in how good you feel to
and the route you will take to work. It is easier to be in charge of your day.
pack a healthy lunch the night before than to
decide what you are going to have with a hot Getting into the habit of planning your day in
dog vendor parked in front of your workplace. advance will remove your easiest decisions
from the table, making it easier to avoid getting
The same applies when it comes to spending sidetracked and wasting time and energy on
small, unimportant things.
money. Decide on a budget and stick to it.
Make a decision the night before that you
won’t check your emails or surf the net before 13