Impact Detroit Magazine Impact Detroit Magazine 2013 | Page 40
Chapter 4
I Missed the Pass “It Wasn’t All His Fault”
By Terri Brown from Hampton, Georgia
I am a new author
who is publishing
her first book this
summer. The name
of my book is titled
“I Didn’t Make it
into the Endzone,
My Mis-Managed
Marriage”. It is
talking about how I
failed in my
marriage by not
allowing my exhusband to have
the “Voice” in the
home. It is written
with the man in
mind, in an
environment that
most men are
familiar with,
following is an
excerpt from the
~ Terri Brown ~
As a wide receiver one of the worst
things that can happen is for a
football player to miss the pass.
This can occur due to his not having
complete control of the ball and
dropping it, or by not being near
enough to catch it or having the ball
and fumbling it.
break up as being my fault. It never
occurred to me that if I had just
done some things differently our
marriage might have been saved.
Up until now I felt as if I had done
everything I could to avoid a
divorce. I do believe that I went the
extra mile in some instances,
however I know now there was
In my marriage I missed the pass much room for improvement.
many times, either by not being in
the right place or by fumbling a Once I was ready to deal with the
pass that was thrown to me by my truth about my marriage, I was able
husband. Writing this chapter was to accept my part in the breakup of
not easy because it forced me to our family, which allowed me to be
face the errors I made in the honest, repent and move forward in
marriage. Although uncomfortable, my healing. I remember asking our
exposing my short comings made pastor to come over and counsel us
me deal with them and in turn because I couldn’t understand what
released me from their bondage.
was going on.
I just knew
something wasn’t right. During our
As I typed these words I began to session my husband shared that he
look back and I saw my errors, felt I was more spiritual and
faults and mistakes that contributed knowledgeable than he which was
to the divorce. In doing so my eyes intimidating.
It also caused
were opened to the very real truth competition and jealousy in our
about the role I played in the home. Our spiritual time lines were
destruction of the team. Since our totally different when we met. I
separation I always looked at what was already well on my journey
he did and did not do. Even though where he was just beginning to
I could admit some mistakes, which surrender to God’s will for his life.
I felt were minor, I never saw the Instead of pulling back to allow him