As part of our master plan to continue to enhance the
learning environment on our current campus, several capital
improvement projects were undertaken this summer.
The construction of three new play areas was the main focus
of support and student interest. With contributions at the
Gala, parents and community members gave over $178,000
towards these important spaces that were collaboratively
designed by the Elementary Student Government.
‘The new playground is great fun! It’s
really interesting to have so many
different elements like the pirate ship
and climbing wall. We are happy that
the school included us in the design and
actually used our ideas.’
Lauren Hewison (Grade 5)
Around $235,000 was allocated from unrestricted funds
and other capital gifts to enhance several facilities in
accordance with the master plan. We made necessary
design modifications to the classroom that would house our
youngest learners in the new pre-school. The fencing around
the St. Paul’s fields and the ELC was refurbished. The new
pavilion in the drop off area was also made possible because
of your outstanding support. Further improvements were
also made to the pool systems to ensure the high quality of
this much-loved space on campus.
$100,000 of your gifts was allocated towards the ongoing
funding of the technology-rich environment that students
experience at all levels of the school. After the successful
completion of our pilot of the Ipad Pro devices, 36 units
and a storage cart were purchased to allow the use of these
tools throughout the school. Improvements were made to
network hardware and six new projectors were purchased.
Additional cameras were also purchased for the school to
complete our security system upgrades.
‘Technology provision is planned,
appropriately funded and integrates
successfully with other media and print
resources to support and enhance the
learning programmes.’
From recent Council of International
Schools Accreditation Report