“An LCIS education is without a doubt an optimal
start on the journey through life, with more doors
opening with every other step. After graduating
from LCIS, I completed four years of study in
Glasgow, Scotland, graduating with a BA (Hons)
in Finance, Investment and Risk Management.
Then, I completed an MSc in Financial
Communication at the University of Lugano,
Switzerland. Recently, I started working at Julius
Baer here in Nassau. The IB programme at LCIS
raised my expectations of what life could be like
after high school and forced me to exceed limits
and aim high.”
Eronjha Adderley, LCIS Class of 2008
Thank You to The Lyford Cay Foundation
The School has a $1.1 million endowment with the Lyford Cay
Foundation. Currently, 20% of the financial aid and scholarships
budget is endowed. The annual disbursement from this endowment
fund is added to the Annual Fund and distributed to assist qualified
Bahamian families.