IMPACT: Annual Report 2021-22 | Page 11


Your Gifts Make a Difference

Interview with Jamaiya Kemp ( Grade 8 , Stavros Niarchos Scholar )
Jamaiya joined LCIS in Grade 5 in 2019 . She previously attended a public school , Gambier Primary School in New Providence . Since coming to LCIS , Jamaiya has not only learned how to swim , but she has become a competitive swimmer , participating in inter-club meets at the National Swimming Championships .
She continues to excel academically and is extremely thankful for the one-of-a-kind opportunity she has had to attend LCIS .
How has your learning experience at LCIS been different from your previous school ?
LCIS is more in touch with technology and has given me the opportunity to expand my technical skills . For example , in my previous school we only used computers during computer class but at LCIS we are required to use laptops for all classes .
What has been the most fulfilling part of attending LCIS ?
The most fulfilling part of attending LCIS is when I have the opportunity to participate in Service Action Programmes as well as community projects . I am able to give my time and talents to the less fortunate and those in need .
What are your goals for the future ?
My goals for the future include getting faster in swimming and improving my swimming skills . I also have a goal to improve my Spanish speaking skills and one day become a part of the Language Exchange Programme at LCIS .
What have been some of your most memorable experiences at LCIS so far ?
My most memorable experience so far at LCIS is being part of the Swim Club . I ’ ve participated in many swim meets , and I ’ ve gotten a chance to improve my skills and create new friendships . My swim team and I even made the Nationals .