IMPACT: Annual Report 2020-21 | Page 6

Tuition Assistance Programme

Our Tuition Assistance Programme makes an LCIS education available to a broader range of Bahamian families . The programme enhances the diversity of our school community and enriches the learning environment for all of our students .
Gifts to the LCIS Annual Fund in the 2020-21 school year helped to ensure that we could continue to support families in the programme as well as welcome promising new students .
FUNDING TUITION ASSISTANCE The Tuition Assistance Programme at LCIS is funded from a variety of sources .
LCIS is fortunate to have an Endowment for Scholarships and Financial Aid and has committed to withdrawing only a small percentage of the interest gained on these invested funds for tuition assistance awards annually . This allows the continued growth of the Endowment in perpetuity .
Donations made to the Annual Fund also support tuition assistance . Some donors restrict their gifts to scholarships while unrestricted gifts are allocated to the Tuition Assistance Programme as needed to maintain LCIS ’ s commitment to families .
Our commitment to creating opportunities for Bahamian students to receive an LCIS education will have a profound impact on The Bahamas by developing the leaders of tomorrow .
Heather Williams
Congratulations to Heather Williams ( Class of 2021 ) who was our first Thomson Trust Scholar and is now enrolled at the Ohio State University . She is pursuing a degree in Biomedical Engineering .
The journey was phenomenal at LCIS . I enjoyed membership in the Dragon Relief Committee where I served as Secretary and also participated in the GGYA Programme . I gained a wealth of knowledge and learnt many lessons for a lifetime . I want to thank the Peter N . Thomson Family Trust for giving me the opportunity to achieve my High School diploma and IB Diploma at such a renowned institution .