An Even Brighter Future : A Letter from the Board Co-Chairs
By Bruce Fernie & Bryan Glinton
In our letter in last year ’ s Annual Report , we began with the comment that whilst change can sometimes be disruptive and is a challenge for most of us , it also brings opportunity and is a necessary step for progress . We of course had other recent developments at school in mind when we wrote those words , and we had no inkling of the massive changes that would be forced upon us in the months ahead by the as yet unknown COVID-19 virus .
But the truth remains that , from challenge and disruption come opportunity and progress . We have no doubt that the road we have been forced to take since March of this year has been difficult for everyone , and it is not a route we would have chosen voluntarily , but we must take pride in what we have still been able to achieve in the face of adversity .
As a school and as a community , we had to sharpen our minds and leave our comfort zones as we searched for new ways to get the job done . We found new tools that allowed us to adapt and continue our journey on these choppy global waters , some of which will bear even more fruit when our world returns to some kind of normal , both through having found more efficient and creative solutions to operational challenges , but also from the improved mental elasticity and creativity that we have all had to develop .
Despite the pandemic and the cancellation of numerous fundraising events , you can see in this report that we were still , thanks to the incredible generosity of many of our donors , able to meet several of our most important fundraising goals .
We closed our letter last year with reference to the sources of our school ’ s strength : the stability of our financials , the commitment of our teachers and staff , the generosity of our supporters and the character of our school community . Never have these sources of strength been so important , nor have they ever shone so brightly as during these turbulent times .
As we write , we are on the cusp of opening our new Upper School campus and we stand poised to open a new chapter in the history of LCIS . We give our deepest thanks to all of you , donors , parents , staff , volunteers , students and friends ; thank you for your work , your time , your gifts , your community spirit and your strength . Together we can and we will build an even brighter future for LCIS and for The Bahamas .