IMPACT: Annual Report 2017-2018 | Page 14

ANNUAL FUND 2017-18 Impact in Numbers $1,009,050 RAISED Average of $2,607 per student invested beyond tuition 71% Unrestricted 29% Restricted THE ANNUAL FUND: Annual Gift = Daily Impact Our community’s strong history of giving has allowed LCIS to have a truly lasting impact on all of the students who have passed through our doors. Your contributions secure the same vibrant experiences for those here now and those yet to come. The Annual Fund is a forward fund. Funds raised in the current year are used to support the implementation of the strategic vision throughout the following school year. The Annual Fund does not fill holes in the operating budget. The lights are not on because of it and staff salaries are not paid with it. It allows us to enhance our programmes and curriculum, ensuring that LCIS continues to provide our students with the finest educational opportunities in the region. 12 661 GIFTS AVERAGE GIFT 65% PARENT 56% STAFF (UP 18%) $1,525 PARTICIPATION PARTICIPATION ANNUAL FUND 2017-18 Where did your donations make an impact? ACTUAL ALLOCATIONS 23% 35% 16% 15% 2% 9% Financial Aid & Scholarships Capital: Furniture & Equipment Capital: Technology Capital: Master Plan Educational Enhancements: Programmes Educational Enhancements: Professional Development 13