IMP Imp project | Page 12


My collaboration will be advertised on a variety of different social media platforms as it is an effictive way of marketing for free. Instagram's popularity is rising and when doing my research I discovered that Instagram is more popular with females; taking that fact into consideration my collaborations main social media platform will be Instagram. Social Media allows brands to interract with their target audience and allows brands to know what potential customers want. If the account is successful and has a great amount of followers this can really increase sales and raise awareness of the brand itself.

I created a Snapchat Geofilter which will be accessable for people attending the Press Event in June. The Geofilter is a type of filter but its specific to an event or place; if someone is not at the location then they cannot use the Geofilter however if they have the Lipsy London and Kady Mcdermott Snapchat account then clips from the event will be posted ready for members of the public who are intereted in seeing the event and seeing the new clothing range.

Kady Mcdermott will use her own Instagram as an advertising platform. Kady has a large amount of followers at approx 915K and already uses her Instagram page to advertise other products and Brand, because previously using her instagram has been successful using it again for her own collaboration seems effective and making the most of free advertising.

Another effective way of Online Marketing is sending out emails to those who have signed up to find out all the latest news to do with Lipsy London. If previous customers recieve emails and updates this could potentially entice them to want to find out more about the new collaboration and these emails are sent directly to the target audience.

Promo codes are also essential when it comes advertisement as it gives customers a certain amount of money off their purchases meaning it allows them to have cheaper merchandise. Promo codes usually have a time limit, meaning that people want to use their special offer whilst they have the oppurtunity.