Balance: Health & Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
How can environmental condition provoke Multiple Sclerosis?
Basiclly is the age the cause, nervous tissue starts to get destroyed leaving alone the structure of the connective system.
Why is the cause of this disease unknown yet?
It is believed that age is the factor.
Why does it affect in the ability of walking and talking?
Nervous cells start to disappear, they are in charge of order the function of the two actions
Diabetes Mellitus Type 1
What’s the difference between the 2 types?
With #1 you have to apply independent insulin, diabetes #2 is more common in adults.
Is diabetes hereditary?
Yes, it could be.
What’s the process of the insulin therapy? And what’s the importance of a comprehensive diet plan?
Blood tests detect the excess of glucose and according to the volume, is the quantity of insulin.