Immigration volume 1 | Page 16

1. How much do you know about Monitoba/ Canada?

2. How many provinces and terrotories are there in Canada?

3. What have you heard about Manitoba/ Canada?

4. Who is the Prime Minister of Canada?

5. Who is the immigration minister for Canada?

6. What is the capital of Canada?

7. Can you name some Canadian cities?

General Information Questions

8. What is the name of the head of state for the province that you intend to settle in?

The Process

1. Why did you choose Manitoba as a destination to immigrate to?

2. Why have you chosen a destination that is so far from where you live?

3. Describe how you have prepared for some of the challenges that you will face if your application is sucessful.

4. What are you expecting Manitoba to be like?

5. Which province do you wish to settle in? Why?