Imerge Magazine - Oct2013 | Page 35

Analyzing colors and finding their seasons is just the beginning of putting them on the palette to help you paint your wardrobe. Back in the 1980’s, Carole Jackson wrote a book called “Color Me Beautiful” and it rocked my world. In it, she taught the reader how to analyze their coloring and categorize it into one of 4 types: Winter, Summer, Spring and Fall. She also offered color palettes for each season. What a revelation! I love color but I was sometimes frustrated because I would put on a beautiful new blouse or sweater and discover that I looked tired and washed out in it. At other times, I would notice that I got compliments on how nice I looked every time I wore a certain shirt, even though it was not the most flat- tering cut. After I read the book, I started to understand and I have used those principles ever since. Her book is still available and there are several web sites devoted to her color theories on the internet. I would encourage anyone who wants to look fantastic to check it out. In the meantime, we live in the real world. Most of us have a closet full of clothing but we only wear part of our total wardrobe because for some reason, the other things just do not work. Look at them objectively; if the problem is color, there is help. One of my favorite tools for