Love them, or hate them,
tattoos are a form of art that
has been around for over 5000
years, the tattoos themselves
are as diverse as the people
who wear them, and the number of people getting tattooed
is growing, in fact 24% of people between 18-50 years old in
the United States are tattooed.
The tattoo industry is earning
over 2.3 billion dollars a year in
this country alone, but tattoos
are everywhere. Throughout
history they are found in Japan,
China, Egypt, Polynesia, New
Zealand, every continent and
country you can think of has a
history with tattoos.
The actual word tattoo has
only been used since around
1769, and its definition is very
literal, it comes from the Polynesian word ”ta” which means
to strike something, and
“tatau” which means to mark.
This is appropriate since originally tattoos were made by
dipping a sharp stick into a
pigment and then tapping the
point of the stick into the skin